Akaani: The Sella App

Sella by Akaani is a B2B2C platform that empowers African market sellers to embrace digital transformation. This case study explores how we, at Akaani, are reshaping the lives of these people by digitizing their businesses, enhancing inventory management, and boosting sales.

Discover the journey from understanding the challenges faced by traders to the design process, user testing, and the profound impact of Sella by Akaani. This study showcases how technology is fostering economic independence, inclusivity, and bridging the gap between tradition and innovation in African markets.

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3 Months


The development of "Sella by Akaani" will be guided by an entirely iterative process, characterized by continuous review and refinement. This approach recognizes the dynamic nature of user needs and the evolving landscape of digital commerce. The iterative design process aims to ensure that user problems are not only addressed but are continually monitored and solved as they arise.


Problem Statement

The post-COVID-19 shift in consumer behavior towards doorstep delivery disrupted the traditional market landscape. While larger businesses adapted swiftly, many traditional market traders, lacking technological prowess, were left behind. Recognizing this gap and the absence of accessible channels to reach their customers, these traders faced a critical challenge: How to digitalize their businesses, manage inventory efficiently, and thrive in the post-lockdown era. Thus, a pressing need arises for a solution that empowers these traders to navigate this digital transformation effectively.

User Painpoints

The product's primary objectives revolve around addressing the following core challenges, which were identified through user surveys conducted to understand these pain points.


The product's primary objectives revolve around addressing the following core challenges, which were identified through user surveys conducted to understand these pain points.


Product Features

After conducting research to assess the product's suitability for the market, I successfully identified a set of product features that would serve as our focal points in addressing the challenges faced by our users.



These onboarding screens are designed to provide users with a clear and concise overview of the application's core value and benefits.

Creating account and business registration

On these screens, users initiate their journey by first creating an account, followed by registering their business. To enhance user guidance and keep them informed about their progress towards becoming active sellers, a convenient progress bar is displayed above.

Identity Verification

Identity verification plays a crucial role in maintaining the integrity of our platform. To safeguard against fraudulent activity and ensure a secure marketplace, all potential sellers are required to submit their documents for verification. While this process can be completed later in the profile section, it's important to note that no sales transactions will be processed for a seller until their identity has been fully verified.

Inventory Creation

This feature is important for maintaining control over product availability and ensuring seamless business operations.


The sales page offers users a comprehensive view of their business performance, including total earnings, the number of completed sales, and the count of active orders. Users can access more detailed information about each order, including customer contact details such as phone numbers and addresses, facilitating seamless communication. Additionally, traders have the ability to update tracking information, providing customers with real-time updates on the status of their orders for improved transparency and customer satisfaction.

User Profile

The User Profile Page serves as a hub for traders to personalise their digital storefront and enhance their business operations. Here, they can configure delivery pricing, specify pickup locations, integrate bank payment methods for easy payouts, and obtain a shareable link to their online store.

Testing and Feedback

The process of developing this product involved continuous testing and feedback collection. Below are insights and recommendations gathered from these tests, which played a major role in shaping and enhancing the product's design and functionality.

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